Friday, October 15, 2010

plastic bags

plastic bags is one of the major problems in todays world. As a witnees of its damages on the enviroment and animals. I support the statement that plastic bags should be banned. It is clear that people cant avoid using plastic bags because people have used plastic bags for a long time and very depanded. So ,I am going to clarify these points below.

In fact as I said above that peole have used plastic bags for ages and its depanded alot. They shouldnt be banned but reduse the production of the plastic, so that we dont easily waste it. However the people who dont want to banned plastic bags they have said things which I will discuse it below.

They said plastic bags are cheaper than paper bags ,and if paper bags were the leading bags more trees would be up for destruction. In addition if everyone recycle the plastic bags when they are done , we woludnt have this prpblem. Also it easy to carry it and it has many sizes. Otherwise plastic bags are really harmful to the enviroment. it cant be decomposed. It still buried under the ground till ages.

In contrast plastic bags are the cause of global warming. When people throw it om the flore it will not rot. Morever some poor animals est anything incloding the plastic bags they get died. Also  if its go on the see or any places of water its will not let the oxygen enter into water which it will be cause of dieng of the fishes...etc. Another point is that plastic bags are made from oil and can contaminate our soils and our waterways. It is dangerous too because its get burned so fast and easily.

All in all , there have been bad and good things for the plastic bags. And it is our responsibility how to protect our enviroment from the harmful things. By the way there are people who trying to overcome by bassing certain laws, because to avoid the global warming. I am certain that this nullification would open up a new page for the whole population.

1 comment:

  1. WoOoW ...
    Nice information ^_^

    Do you use a plastic bags ?
